MLW 2022 Sets New Record

Mates Leather Weekend has come to an end, raising a record $14,800.64 for AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod and welcoming over 650 people to the events.  Special thanks to the extraordinary fund-raising efforts of First Mate Contestant Christopher Puzio who raised $3,622.37, First Mate Contestant and Second Runner-Up Danny Sparkles who raised $3,128.63 and to First Mate 2023 BLUF4414, First Mate Contestant and First Runner-Up Michael Gentilucci and First Mate Contestant MANTHOSE who raised a combined $2,993.27.  Thanks also to RaffleBoy and Mr. SNOWBOUND 2019 Ryan Napravnik and RaffleBoy and Market Master Mark Stickney for their efforts, bringing in $2,176.00 in raffle tickets and BuzzCut Barbers Danny Pantaleo and Billie Jean Beetem for bringing in $445.00

We delivered a box full of coats and clothes, donated at the Leather Market, to Ruthie’s Boutique, Provincetown’s Thrift Store who donates all profits to local charities.

In addition, a record 33 MLW participants took part in the free health screenings offered at the ASGCC’s Drop-In Center during the weekend.  Kudos to these men for taking a proactive approach to their health and the health of their partners.

(photo by Tim White)


Vote for your Favorite 2022 First Mate Contestant (5 of 5)

Vote for your favorite First Mate Contestant #5 BLUF4414 (5 of 5) by making a donation in their name to AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod The total donations received for each contestant will add points to their judging summary to determine who will be First Mate 2022. When “voting” by donating, be sure to indicate for whom your donation is made so that they get credit for it. Deadline for donations is Saturday, October 1 at 4 pm. The staged portion of the contest will be held at Crown & Anchor that same day at 10 pm and will include the following, additional judging categories: Stage Presence, Confidence, Gear Look, Sex Appeal and Audience Approval.

Vote for your Favorite 2022 First Mate Contestant (4 of 5)

Vote for your favorite First Mate Contestant #4 Michael Gentilucci (4 of 5) by making a donation in their name to AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod The total donations received for each contestant will add points to their judging summary to determine who will be First Mate 2022. When “voting” by donating, be sure to indicate for whom your donation is made so that they get credit for it. Deadline for donations is Saturday, October 1 at 4 pm. The staged portion of the contest will be held at Crown & Anchor that same day at 10 pm and will include the following, additional judging categories: Stage Presence, Confidence, Gear Look, Sex Appeal and Audience Approval.

Vote For Your Favorite 2022 First Mate Contestant (3 of 5)

Vote for your favorite First Mate Contestant #3 Ray aka Manthose (3 of 5) by making a donation in their name to AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod The total donations received for each contestant will add points to their judging summary to determine who will be First Mate 2022. When “voting” by donating, be sure to indicate for whom your donation is made so that they get credit for it. Deadline for donations is Saturday, October 1 at 4 pm. The staged portion of the contest will be held at Crown & Anchor that same day at 10 pm and will include the following, additional judging categories: Stage Presence, Confidence, Gear Look, Sex Appeal and Audience Approval.

Vote For Your Favorite 2022 First Mate Contestant (2 of 5)

Vote for your favorite First Mate Contestant #2 Christopher Puzio (2 of 5) by making a donation in their name to AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod The total donations received for each contestant will add points to their judging summary to determine who will be First Mate 2022. When “voting” by donating, be sure to indicate for whom your donation is made so that they get credit for it. Deadline for donations is Saturday, October 1 at 4 pm. The staged portion of the contest will be held at Crown & Anchor that same day at 10 pm and will include the following, additional judging categories: Stage Presence, Confidence, Gear Look, Sex Appeal and Audience Approval.

Vote for your favorite 2022 First Mate Contest (1 of 5)

Vote for your favorite First Mate Contestant #1 Danny Sparkles (1 of 5) by making a donation in their name to AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod The total donations received for each contestant will add points to their judging summary to determine who will be First Mate 2022. When “voting” by donating, be sure to indicate for whom your donation is made so that they get credit for it. Deadline for donations is Saturday, October 1 at 4 pm. The staged portion of the contest will be held at Crown & Anchor that same day at 10 pm and will include the following, additional judging categories: Stage Presence, Confidence, Gear Look, Sex Appeal and Audience Approval.

first mate contestant deadline extended to 09/19 at noon

WANTED!  First Mate Contestants.  The contest has been retooled for 2022, with contestants signing up in advance rather than during the event.  Like to show off, like to be admired, like to win fabulous prizes?

Check out for contest rules and requirements.

Contest winner receives $500 cash, two-night stay at Queen Vic Guest House during MLW 2023, $100 gift card from Full Kit Gear and the title, “First Mate 2022”

First Runner-up received $200 cash and a two-night stay at Watership Inn

Second Runner-up receives $100 cash and a two-night stay at Gifford House Inn