Snowbound Leather Weekend XVII

February 20-23, 2025

Snowbound Leather Weekend XVII
February 20-23, 2025
Welcome to the Seventeenth SNOWBOUND Leather Weekend. The tentative schedule of events is listed below. Please check back periodically as the event draws near as there is always a possibility of last-minute changes.
Sponsored by The Watership Inn, The Atlantic House, The Crown and Anchor, Gifford House, Bayside Betsy’s, Full Kit Gear, and produced by Mates Leather Weekend and Creative Director Boggy Fryer.
Meal discounts (other than SNOWBOUND BRUNCH I) available at Bay Cafe.
Like to show it off? Wanna be the face of SNOWBOUND 2025? To enter, send a jpeg picture of yourself in leather/fetish gear to info@matesleatherweekend.com. You will receive an email with your contestant number as the event approaches.
The contestant with the most money raised for AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod will get the Mr. SNOWBOUND title, $100 cash, $100 Full Kit Gear gift card and a MLW 2025 Event Pass. You may begin soliciting donations anytime, including on the Mates Leather Weekend Group Page on Facebook.)
Share the QR CODE (see below) with your supporters. It will lead them to a special SNOWBOUND donation page created by the ASGCC to ensure that all SNOWBOUND donations are correctly designated to each contestant. Your supporters will simply use a DROP-DOWN menu and click on your name and number to cast their vote.
Deadline for online donations (received and/or verified by ASGCC) is Sunday, February 23 at 9:00 am. Donations receive after that time are appreciated but will not count towards your final contest total.
Your photo submission will be displayed at some events throughout the weekend with a donation box for those who prefer to donate in person.
You will be provided with your own Contestant Wallet for accepting cash donations throughout the weekend. The wallet will help to keep these funds separate from your own. Gather these funds throughout the weekend and deliver them by the deadline noted below.
(the above mentioned QR code is printed on your wallet for ease in soliciting online donations throughout the weekend)
Deadline for cash donations received directly by the contestant is Sunday, February 23 at 10:00 am and must be delivered to the Watership Inn (Front Desk), 7 Winthrop Street in order to count towards your final contest total. SORRY, NO LOOSE CHANGE WILL BE ACCEPTED.
Deadline for cash donations received in the donation box is 11:00 am at Crown & Anchor.
Friday, 02/21, 6 – 8 pm, Watership Inn, See Rick to get your Contestant Wallet and Contestant Badge
Friday, 02/21, 10:30 pm, Paramount @ Crown & Anchor, See Mr. New England Leather 2025 Doug Bronco, who will introduce you and all contestants to the crowd at 11 pm
Sunday, 02/23, 11:45 am, Paramount @ Crown & Anchor, Contest results will be announced at noon or shortly thereafter
The Mr. SNOWBOUND Contest was the brainchild of Boggy Fryer and was added to the SNOWBOUND schedule in 2012 and, since then, has raised over $41,000 for ASGCC.